The AEEI Group is well aware of the critical role that a business has to play in the upliftment and development of the previously disadvantaged majority. The Group is committed to investing in the upliftment of society and in playing a pivotal role in improving the quality of life among the disadvantaged communities through its corporate citizenship initiatives.

The AEEI Group continues to subscribe to a sustainable approach in conducting its business. For AEEI, social sustainability and corporate citizenship goes beyond legislative compliance. It recognises the rights and responsibilities of businesses within a broader societal context and reinforces the mission of AEEI of being a dynamic and innovative Company that creates superior stakeholder value.

Our strategic focus on being an exemplary custodian assists us to manage our impact on the communities around us and actively contribute to their socioeconomic development through various initiatives.

Many of the subsidiaries in the Group support their own initiatives in line with the Group policy and their areas of operation.

It is for this reason that we need to give back to the communities in which AEEI operates by:

  • driving the corporate social investment strategy across the Group by investing in social services in our communities and creating value through social investment;
  • paying our taxes and royalties to government;
  • driving the B-BBEE targets in the Group;
  • further driving transformation throughout the Group;
  • adhering to ethical standards and preventing corruption;
  • supporting local business and promoting social and economic development;
  • providing employment opportunities and skills development;
  • providing training and development through our internship programme;
  • investing in the future of our youth by facilitating access to higher education;
  • ensuring effective risk management and compliance;
  • promoting social and economic development;
  • promoting partnerships with business peers, sector organisations and research bodies;
  • having open channels of communications; and
  • ensuring that the Group is seen to be and is a responsible corporate citizen.


The Group’s CSI programmes are managed through the Sekunjalo Development Foundation (SDF), whose aim is to create a sustained social impact through focused activities. The SDF has selected focus areas that have an impact on individual and societal development and play a significant role in nurturing young people who represent the future.

The SDF’s approach is to:

  • encourage employee participation and volunteering in its CSI programmes;
  • prioritise CSI across the Group, focusing on set initiatives that support societal challenges; and
  • ensure the integration of community needs.

The SDF continues to move away from ad hoc requests to focused areas, which are shaped by an increasing need to ensure effective stakeholder relations and the socio-economic needs of the communities in which the Group conducts its business.

For the year ahead, the SDF will continue with its CSI programmes in the focused areas below with more emphasis in the areas of social and enterprise development.

The Group participated in the following during the year under review:

For further information on the above initiatives refer to




As a leading JSE-listed black empowerment Company and through our brand’s position, the organisation is dominant in a global context relating to a variety of issues, technology changes, globalisation, rapid change, dynamic markets, enterprise development and sustainability legislation. These issues affect the overall business strategy of the Group while focusing on organic growth, acquisitions, geographic expansion, new categories, margin improvement and transformation.

In the line with Groups’ governance, the Group has all the relevant policies in place as approved by the Board of directors.